Lednové setkání Pražské Czech Java User Group
proběhne 27.1. od 19h v posluchárně S5 na
Matematicko-fyzikální fakultě Karlovy Univerzity na
Malostranském náměstí 25, Praha 1. Čekají nás
prezentace Operating Cassandra NoSQL database
across the globe
(Jiří Horký)
a Dynamic class loading (Jan
). Sponzorem setkání je firma Avast
Software. Vstup na akce CZJUGu je zdarma, a není
třeba se předem registrovat. Pokud se chystáte
přijít, dejte nám vědět formou hlasování v anketě na
hlavní stránce portálu java.cz.

Operating Cassandra NoSQL database
across the globe – experience from high rate
production environment

The NoSQL databases have been gradually getting
attention over the past years. Scalability, data
replication and fault tolerance are common features
of such products. However, the advantages do not come
for free and one often must relax for other qualities
such as true consistency. In this presentation we
focus on Cassandra, a NoSQL database written in Java
that is being massively used at Avast. We give an
overview of the key concepts behind Cassandra and
describe one of the Avast use cases and workload
Cassandra is used for. We then focus on selected
challenges that operating a multi terabyte database
across the globe inevitably bring.

Jiří Horký – graduate of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Charles University in Prague, currently
works as Systems engineer in Avast Software with
focus on massive distributed computing, Linux
clusters consisting of hundred of nodes and PBs of

Dynamic class loading

How can we load new classes during the runtime.
Problems we are facing. Limitations of the solution
and its alternatives.

Jan Kolena – graduate of University of West
Bohemia, currently works as Java developer in Avast
Software with focus on high performance Java backend
applications and experienced in Android development.