Květnové setkání Pražské Czech Java User Group
proběhne 27.5. od 19h v posluchárně S5 na
Matematicko-fyzikální fakultě Karlovy Univerzity na
Malostranském náměstí 25, Praha 1. Čekají nás dvě
prezentace v angličtině: Gradle a
Smarter Testing with Spock, obě dvě od
Petera Niederwiesera. Sponzorem tohoto
setkání je firma JetBrains. Vstup na akce CZJUGu je
zdarma, a není třeba se předem registrovat. Pokud se
chystáte přijít, dejte nám vědět formou hlasování v
anketě na hlavní stránce portálu java.cz.


This presentation introduces Gradle, a modern build
tool that scales from small Open Source projects to
large Enterprise builds. We’ll cover topics such as
advantages of declarative over imperative build
systems, convention over configuration without
rigidity, Gradle plugins, multi–project support,
performance optimizations through partial builds and
incrementalness, and harvesting existing
functionality through Ant and Maven integration. We
will demonstrate many of the innovative goodies that
come with Gradle out–of–the–box, like the Gradle
Daemon, the Gradle Wrapper, easy administration of
your build environment, building Android apps and
libraries, Eclipse integration, and other new

Smarter Testing with Spock

Spock is a developer testing and specification
framework for Java and Groovy applications. Used by
open-source projects like Grails and Apache Tapestry,
and companies like BSkyB and Netflix, its fan base is
growing inside and outside the Groovy community. This
talk will take you on a fast-paced, demo-driven tour
covering Spock fundamentals, data-driven testing,
stubbing and mocking, Spock extensions, and more.
Shortly before landing, we’ll be serving the latest
developments in Spock 1.0. Fasten your seat belts,
and enjoy the flight!

O přednášejícím

Peter Niederwieser is a computer language
enthusiast from Austria who has been using Java since
the early days. Peter’s work experience ranges from
small start-ups to large enterprises like Siemens.
His passion for software quality and continuous
delivery invariably leads him to take the build
master role on new projects, pushing project
automation as far as he can. It also lead him to
create Spock, an innovation-packed developer testing
framework that is seeing increasing adoption around
the globe. Peter is an active member of the Groovy
community, and can’t sleep without his daily dose of
Scala. When Peter isn’t coding, you can find him
speaking at conferences around the world, or
pondering over a chess board.