Speciální setkání Czech Java User Group, na kterém
vystoupí java performance guru Kirk
Pepperdine s přednáškou Performance
Tuning with Cheap Drink and Poor Tools,
proběhne 21.6.2010 od 19 hodin v posluchárně S5 na
Matematicko-fyzikální fakultě Karlovy Univerzity na
Malostranském náměstí 25, Praha 1. Vstup na akce
CZJUGu je zdarma, a není třeba se předem registrovat.
Pokud se chystáte přijít, dejte nám vědět formou
hlasování v anketě na hlavní strance portálu java.cz.
After a brief introduction to a methodology to
performance tune Java applications, the audience will
guide me through the steps needed to tune an
application. The application models a number of
performance problems that are common in real world
applications. During the session, I will introduce a
number of tools designed to expose causal code paths
to each specific problem.
Kirk Pepperdine has been working in
high performance and distributed computing for nearly
20 years. His focus has been on performance, working
on architecting, developing, and tuning applications
running on Cray and other high performance computing
platforms. Kirk now specializes in Java, where he
works in all aspects of performance and tuning in
each phase of a project life cycle. Kirk was
recognized by Sun Microsystems as a 2006 Java
Champion recipient for his contributions to the Java
community. He is a primary contributor and consultant
to javaperformancetuning.com and is also the
co-author of Ant Developer’s Handbook.