CZJUG Online – Ultra-fast Java In-Memory Database Apps & Microservices with MicroStream

Příští setkání Pražské Czech Java User Group proběhne ve středu 1.12. od 19h online. Vstup na akce CZJUGu je zdarma, a není třeba se předem registrovat. 

Přednáška bude v angličtině.

Čas: 19:00

Název: Ultra-fast Java In-Memory Database Apps & Microservices with MicroStream

Link na videoconferenci: (přes Zoom)

CZJUG pravidelně podporují:

  • Avast – nahrávání přednášek pro shlédnutí online
  • JetBrains – licence pro vývojářské nástroje pro přednášející
  • Oracle – doména 

EN: The next meetup will happen on Wednesday 24nd November at 19:00 online. This presentation will be in English. 

Time: 19:00

Title: Ultra-fast Java In-Memory Database Apps & Microservices with MicroStream

Videoconference link: (powered by Zoom)

Ultra-fast Java In-Memory Database Apps & Microservices with MicroStream

MicroStream is a fundamentally new persistence framework for storing complex Java object graphs natively, which means the object graph is stored on disk as it is in RAM. Vice versa it allows you to load any single subgraph on-demand that is then merged with your object graph in ram automatically.

This leads to fantastic benefits: You can use object graphs as an in-memory database. An object graph is a powerful multi-model data structure. You can use any Java type, collections, and formats like JSON. Matching this, Java provides the perfect query language. With Java Streams, searching even huge object graphs will take only microseconds – up to 1000x faster than comparable SQL queries and even much faster than reading data directly from a local cache. DB-specific data structures or formats become meaningless for Java. No more expensive mappings. No more data-type conversion. No more DB-specific query language. Only one data model: Java classes (POJOs). No additional caching framework required. No more inconvenient object copies. Simple architecture and type-safe query code. Core-Java only instead of DB-specific concepts. As an end result, you will get out an ultra-fast Java in-memory database app or microservice.

MicroStream is in productive use for more than 5 years and becomes now open source and part of the popular microservice frameworks Helidon and Open Liberty.

Speaker Bio

Markus Kett:

Markus and his team have been working on IDE tools for Java and database development for almost 20 years. He is the product owner of the RapidClipse IDE project, which is a free Eclipse distribution and visual Java IDE. Markus is co-founder and CEO at MicroStream, editor in chief for the free JAVAPRO magazine in Germany, and organizer of the Java conference JCON. He is an independent editor for several magazines, and speaker at many developer conferences, user groups, and meetups.

Twitter: @MarkusKett, LinkedIn:

Christian Kuemmel:

Christian is a developer advocate at MicroStream and has been working with Java for 10 years. As a project manager and software architect, he has been designing and implementing complex software systems for customers from various industries for 10 years. As a Scrum Master, he is significantly involved in the development of the free Eclipse distribution and visual Java development environment as well as the open-source projects JPA-SQL and MicroStream. Christian Kuemmel is also Java trainer for 7 years and a speaker at various developer conferences, user groups, and meetups.

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